The B-TOP blog: Our sidewalks are in good condition!??, responding to a recent report to the City Council on sidewalk condition.
College and Walnut Corridor Study: Rough design concepts now available at the city’s website. View the slides and video from the June 15th meeting, where those designs were previewed. Nothing is set in stone yet, so if you haven’t already, fill out the College/Walnut Corridor community comment form.
Transportation notebook: 3rd Street bicycle lane south of IU campus slated for harder edge, B Square Bulletin, 12/12/2023
Hawthorne-Weatherstone greenway gets greenlight at contentious commission meeting, B Square Bulletin, 9/11/2023
Monday, Jan. 8, 5:30 p.m. Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Commission
Wednesday, Jan. 24, 4:30 p.m. Traffic Commission
Monday, Jan. 29, 4:00 p.m. Council for Community Accessibility
Meeting of the minds
Lots of people care about sustainable transportation, but organizing is hard when you have classes, work, and/or kids. Keep an eye on the calendar for opportunities to meet, chat, and strategize for a better Bloomington.
College and Walnut Corridor Study Bloomington’s 2019 Transportation Plan calls for study of the College/Walnut corridor. High-speed automobile traffic shares this space with pedestrians, bicyclists, scooter users, and transit users. Learn more.
Bloomington Transportation Options for People (B-TOP) is a resource and advocate for sustainable transportation in Bloomington, IN.